BATMAN consortium meeting (invited members only)

Tid: 30.06.2022 - 01.07.2022 |
Kun for medlemmer
Sted: University of Agder, Grimstad Campus (We will also facilitate for Teams participation)

Welcome to a 2 days meeting for BATMAN consortium 

Thursday June 30th.

12:00    Lunch

13:00    Mechatronics Innovation Lab (MIL): A tour of UiAs facilities for innovation, pilot testing and technology         qualification with emphasis on relevance for the emerging battery industry ( )  

14:00    Introduction and Update / “Tour de table” (Eyde Cluster)

14:30    Status of models and scenarios (Work Package 4/5 NTNU):
              A) Global LIB system (Work package 4/5)
              B) Challenges of resource supply: Nickel, Phosphorus, Lithium, Aluminium, Graphite

16:45    Break

17:00    Way forward and plan for completion (Work package 4/5)

17:30    Wrap up day 1

20:00      Dinner at Smag&Behag restaurant, Storgaten 14, 4876 Grimstad


Friday July 1st.

08:30      Technology and market developments: Updates and discussion (Work package 1 IFE/TØI)

09:15      Environmental footprints and incentives for reuse & recycling of LiBs (Work package 2 UiA)

10:00      Break

10:15      The Battery Regulation: Expected level of ambition in final text and unresolved issues in secondary     legislation (Work package 3 UiA)

11:15      The UiA battery initiative: Application oriented research on battery cells and systems, Johannes Landesfeind UiA Battery research group ( )

12:00      Lunch

13:00      Consortium meeting / Advisory board feedback

14:00      End of meeting


  1. torsdag 30. juni 2022 - 12:00 - 17:30 : Day 1
  2. torsdag 30. juni 2022 - 20:00 : Dinner at Smag og Behag, Storgaten 14, 4876 Grimstad
  3. fredag 1. juli 2022 - 8:30 - 14:00 : Day 2
