Webinar - Status update on lithium-ion battery technologies and the electrification of road transport in Norway
Påmeldingsfrist: man. 10. mai 2021 - 00:00
Tid: mandag 10. mai 2021 - 12:30 - 13:30
Åpent for all
Sted: Webinar
Welcome to a webinar with a status update on lithium-ion battery technologies and the electrification of road transport in Norway.
The webinar is hosted by participants in the BATMAN-project (Lithium ion BATteries - Norwegian opportunities within sustainable end-of-life MANagement, reuse and new material streams).
A recording of the webinar can be found on Youtube.
12:30 Introduction
Lars Petter Maltby, Eyde-Cluster
12:35 Current and future trends within lithium-ion battery chemistry
Hanne Flåten Andersen, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE)
12: 55 Electrifying road transport in Norway. Status and potential.
Erik Figenbaum, Institute of Transport Economics (TØI)
13:15 Q&A session
13:30 Final remarks
- steinar@eydecluster.com