Green Industry and ICT Matchmaking
Tid: mandag 2. mars 2020 - 12:00 - 17:00
Åpent for all
Sted: Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
This event will inform about specific funding opportunities for partnership projects and as a platform to match potential partners for projects under the EEA and Norway Grants!
- Do you have an idea how to increase efficiency or productivity of industry and at the same time reduce environmental harm?
- Do you have an idea for an innovative project related to ICT or digitalisation?
- Are you interested in exploring the potential of a partnership under one of the upcoming EEA and Norway Grants calls?
Se hele kalenderen >-
Samling med fokus på Energiledelse/ Prosjekt
Hydro Vigeland Brug -
Digital formiddagskaffe - tema tba
Digitalt -
FoU-forum: Virkemiddelapparatet
UiA Grimstad -
Helse og Sikkerhet: "Grønn sone" - hvordan drive adferdsbasert sikkerhetsopplæring?
Hydro Vigeland Brug -
Årsmøte Eyde-klyngen
Hunsfos Næringspark, Vennesla