Global Outlook 2019

Tid: mandag 12. august 2019 - 11:30 - 13:00 : Arendal kultur- og rådhus |
Åpent for all
Sted: Arendal

This year’s Global Outlook takes stock of the paradigmatic shifts we see in several sectors, including politics, business and the environment. While acknowledging the profound uncertainty that permeates many sectors, the conference explores likely future trends and identifies possible responses. Moving forward, the ability to deal with uncertainty and prepare for several trajectories, will be a key asset. 

Key Note speakers

Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway, provides perspectives on the important geo-political trends of our times. 

"Towards a New World Disorder?" - Mats Berdal, Professor of Security and Development at the Department of War Studies, King's College London.

"From Fragile to Resilient Cities" - Robert Muggah, Co-Founder, Igarape Institute, a think and do tank devoted to using new technologies to tackle global challenges. Muggah has given several TED talks and is a regular speaker at World Economic Forum in Davos. 


Norwegian & International Business Leaders in a dialogue regarding topics of the day: 

Maria Moræus Hanssen - COO & Deputy CEO Wintershall DEA

Helge Aasen - CEO Elkem

Sigve Brekke - CEO Telenor


Moderator: Anita Pratap, Author and Journalist


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