ARENDALSUKA - Ecosystems and planetary boundaries – what does it mean for the process industry?

Tid: tirsdag 15. august 2023 - 08:30 - 09:15 : Naturmangfold og planetens tålegrense – hva betyr det for prosessindustrien? |
Åpent for all
Sted: Vitenbiten

About the event:  Breakfast from 0800 - the program starts at 0830.

The backdrop for the event are the linked challenges of planetary boundaries, a just transition and an increasing urgency to accelerate the transformation.

In addition to the well known climate goals, the goals from the Montreal Agreement from December 2022, highlight globally the importance of intact ecosystems and their limitations  (updated status: Explore our annual report for 2022 - Stockholm Resilience Centre ). How does this affect us and how can the process industry be a positive contributor? The Eyde cluster's vision is "We shall ensure growth and a competitive Norwegian process industry that operates within planetary boundaries. Together, we strive for companies to make a positive contribution back to society and nature."

What actions does this require? How do we solve this complicated puzzle together?



Sandrine Dixon-Declève, Co-President, The Club of Rome
Nick Narsavidze, Managing director Refacture
Ane Breivik, Leader of Unge Venstre
Nimrah Ramzan, member of AUFs central government 
Frode Hvattum, VP Sustainability - Freyr

Gunstein Skomedal, Solveig Steinsland and Maria Mykland from Eyde Y. 

