Webinar: The Nordic Battery Scene, part 2
This second webinar in our series “The Nordic Battery Scene” focuses on policy, sustainable materials, reuse and recycling.
The transition from today’s fossil fuel based transport sector to electric mobility is a significant sustainable value creation opportunity for both Norway and Sweden. Swedish and Norwegian cooperation with support from our Nordic neighbours can deliver a full European value chain and the world’s greenest lithium ion batteries (LIB). The second webinar in our series “The Nordic Battery Scene” focuses on policy, sustainable materials, reuse and recycling.
The following speakers and sessions are confirmed:
Ilka von Dalwigk (InnoEnergy) and Stina Torjesen (University of Agder) – Electrification and European battery production are taking off. Is it politics or the market driving this transition?
Nordic Ecosystem - Sustainable materials and reuse - Industrial examples
- Rasmus Bergström, BatteryLoop AB
- Peter Fox, Skaland Graphite AS
- Trygve Burchardt, ECOStor AS
- Anna Utsi, Talga Sverige
Christian Rosenkilde (Norsk Hydro) and Fredrik Andresen (AS Batteriretur) - Battery recycling in the world's most developed EV market and HydroVolt.
Ruth Astrid Sætre will facilitate the meeting with additional speaker and session to be added as they are confirmed. Official hosts of the webinar are Innovation Norway, Eyde Cluster, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, Hydro, Sintef and Northvolt.
So please Join us on the 10th of August from17:00 until 18:45 to take a closer look at the Nordic battery ecosystem.
- Stephen@eydecluster.com
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