OECD webinars on Carbon Management Policies
The Bio-, Nano- and Converging Technologies working party of the OECD is holding two strategic webinars to inform their work for the next two years on sustainability indicators and assessment.
Please see the latest agenda for both webinars attached.
We’d be delighted if you would register for these events. The greater the participation, the richer will be the engagement and this will greatly facilitate how we work in the next two years.
Please register using the links below latest by Monday 12th October.
15th & 22nd October 2020:
Carbon management policies;
global practices in sustainability indicators and assessment
Virtual workshop (via Zoom). Free of charge.
- Thursday 15.October 15:00-18:30 CET (Paris time)
- Thursday 22.October: 15:00-18:40 CET (Paris time)
The registration deadline is Monday 12 October 18:00 CET (Paris time).
Please register via Zoom by clicking on the following links and entering your contact details:
1. General policy aspects, 15th October: https://meetoecd1.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduigrzwsH9AVyyNxr7kBr1n-VuMWe73X
2. Sustainability in value chains, 22nd October: https://meetoecd1.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIoduiqqTojEt2b9U1qmp1Z2kLXR4o_b45A
Once you have done so, you will immediately receive a confirmation email with links for joining the meetings.
Please note that the links in the emails are unique and should not be shared (this would breach security rules and lead to multiple participants appearing under the same name).
- david.winickoff@oecd.org
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