Up-scaling seminar
The seminar is a cooperation by EIT Raw Materials, PROMETIA and Prosin co-hosted by Future Materials Catapult Centre, Elkem ASA and Eyde Cluster.
Venue: Clarion Hotel Ernst | Rådhusgata 2, Kristiansand, Norway
Date: 22.10.2019
Registration and more information
08:00 - Registration
08:30 - Welcome
08:45 - "Eramet innovation strategy" - President Eramet R&D, Laurent Joncourt, Chairman of Eramet Ideas
09:15 - "Cooperation and funding opportunities" - EiT Raw Materials: Ulf Orrebrink
09:45 - “RECLAMET - RECLAiming valuable METals from process residues through HIsarna ironmaking” - Bernard Vanderheyden, CRM
10:15 - Coffee break
10:45 - “Alternative coke for up-scaling – Successful development for laboratory-pilot- industrial and implementation” - Maria Lundgren, Swerim
11:15 - "Waste reclamation and upscaling with added value – Process Kish” - Alan Scholes, MPI
11:45 - “RIGaT - recovery of indium, germanium and tin from lead bearing alloys generated in zinc refinement for direct implementation in industrial practice – KIC upscaling project” - Andrzej Chmielarz, IMN
12:15 - Industrial aluminium pilot at Karmøy - Chief Technology Officer, Hans Erik Vatne, Norsk Hydro
12:45 - Lunch
13:30 - “Casting simulator - a pilot tool to optimize casting technology" - Sigbjørn Berge & Krister Engvoll, Elkem
14:00 - “Pilot-scale development of the LiCO process to produce lithium carbonate from industrial waste water” - Frédéric Goettmann, Extracthive
14:30 - “Eramet Lithium direct extraction process" - Fabien Burdet, Eramet
15:00 - Coffee break
15:30 - “Kvanefjeld REE – Continuous pilot scale mineral processing” – Mikael Niemistö, GTK Mintec
16:00 - “IMP@CT, Integrated Mobile modularised Plant and Containerised Tools for selective, low-impact mining of small high-grade deposits – H2020 project” – Jérôme Bodin, BRGM
16:30 - “RELICARIO - Recycling of End-of-LIfe CArbon fiber Reinforced plastics” –
Vincent Blet
17:00 - Eramet Open Innovation challenge: Winner annoncement & feedback
17:15 - Mingling and tables with initiatives for future applications
19:00 - PROMETIA invited Dinner
More information about the topics to be presented at the seminar.
- brage@eydecluster.com