Funding projects on Carbon Capture
The new EU project "LEADS" focuses on carbon capture technology and how it can implement it at industrial scale. The aim of LEADS is to guide companies towards financial support, in particular from the European Innovation Fund (EIF), for technology deployment.
- Those who are already working on carbon capture technologies today will need to invest more to take it further on a larger scale, says Christophe Pinck, who works with international relations and circular projects in the Eyde Cluster.
4 parallel Projects
The EU aims to support four separate projects, each respectively focussing on one of the following areas:
· Low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries
· Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)
· Renewable energy generation
· Energy storage & hydrogen
The Eyde Cluster is participating in the CCUS project in collaboration with Process4Planet.
There is fierce competition for EIF funds, and Norway has performed very well in this regard.Recently, 5.7 billion NOK have been allocated by the EU to 5 projects.
Companies in the Eyde Cluster can get in touch to receive information on our or any of the other projects.
Companies with carbon capture
- If others are interested in the other projects, we can help connect them, says Pinck.
- Right now, we are looking to inquire with companies that are involved in carbon capture and considering the innovation fund, he adds.
The projects may still be in the stages of technology development and testing.LEADS can provide guidance already during this phase and guide the project towards EIF opportunities.
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