Seeking candidates for the Export Award 2022
Does your company export? Then you can take part in the competition for the Export Prize 2022. In 2017 it went to 3B Fibreglass. If there are any good candidates from the Eyde Cluster this year, please register them for Innovation Norway's export prize by 15 December.
More about the prize here: Eksportprisen ( or go directly to the registration page:
More about financing export in Norway
The jury
The jury is Alexandra Bech Gjørv (Sintef), Kathrine Myhre (Patentstyret og Nasjonalt eksportråd), Tone Lunde Bakker (Eksfin), Per Niederbach (IN) og Per Arthur Sørlie (Borregaard).
Two categories
Unlike in the past, this year there are two categories; export company of the year and newcomer of the year. The companies are assessed against the following criteria:
- The company must have a high export share
- The company must show value creation in Norway
- The company must demonstrate market progress
- The company must deliver an innovative solution or an innovative productIn addition, the company must have a conscious relationship with its own sustainability risk, and comply with the OECD's guidelines for multinational companies and the UN's guiding principles for business and human rights. This means that the company follows ethical guidelines, and actively maps and manages risks related to corruption, human rights violations, indecent working conditions and negative environmental impact.