Kick off for the Incubis project

The European Incubis project has had its first meeting, obviously online. The cooperation across borders to utilize the potential of waste energy has now started. 



The aim is to reduce energy waste and create market opportunities from other parties wasted energy.  Together with Spanish, British, Polish, Swiss and German research industry parks, clusters and other specialists, Eyde Cluster has been engaged in the H2020 SPIRE project over a 3 years period. 

Significant potential

- Through systemic cooperation, we aim to develop the potential of previously wasted energy, so it can either be used for external processes in other companies, or internal energy efficiency measures. The Norwegian process industry is leading in this area, but we are still in a situation where our plants use a lot energy, and much of this is leaked into the air or the ocean, says Gunar Kulia, business developer in the Eyde Cluster, and contributor in the Incubis project. 

For utilization of excess energy, Eramet is a good example, where heat is reused to heat and regulate the water temperature in the fish farm next door.
Distributed heating soplutions are also running with energy delivered by Glencore, Returkraft and Berry Alloc.


Strong competence environment

The Incubis project will start by mapping out where the waste energy is to assess the situation and potential.

- We know we are talking about a large amount of energy. Via Incubis we are part of a strong European network that will support us in finding suitable solutions that can give our member companies key insights on how to better use their resources.
We have to constantly evolve to improve on already good solutions and which will provide a benefit to our members, says Kulia.


Mapping the possibilities

The kick off of Incubis clarified the contributions that the project group will have to do in the coming 36 months, starting with mapping the energy flows and possibilities for the different regions and countries. 

- We have a responsibility for Agder and the southern part of Norway, and one core activity on our part will be to look at the varying regulatory conditions to identify barriers and  make recommendations on how to adress these. We will also work with the finance perspective. We have to stimulate and prepare the ground to get investors, says Kulia, who is very satisfied with the first meeting in the project group. 

Next General Meeting will be held in the autumn 2020. Within that time, the partners will be working with mapping the inherent opportunities based on the industrial energy flows, with help from the companies.

Read more about the Incubis project here:

Here you the information shared on the INCUBIS social media channels:



Christophe Pinck og Gunnar Kulia i Eyde-klyngen er med i Incubis-prosjektet
Christophe Pinck og Gunnar Kulia i Eyde-klyngen er med i Incubis-prosjektet