ARENDALSUKA: "Does Europe need Norwegian green raw materials? Can we achieve that?"

Is Norwegian politics proactive enough to succeed in delivering Norwegian green raw materials to Europe?

The world is becoming divided, and Europe and Norway must stand together for the green transition and "resilience" in critical value chains. Europe needs metals and raw materials for renewable energy, future electric mobility, semiconductors, and the content of our necessary digital devices. These areas are in focus as the EU aims for a strategic industrial partnership with Norway. Norwegian process industry provides the materials for these strategically important value chains. We question whether Norwegian politics are proactive enough regarding this shared destiny we are facing.

Watch the recording of the event here: 


Nicolas de la Grandeville, EUs ambassadør til Norge
Nicolas de la Grandeville, EUs ambassadør til Norge
Hilde Sandvik, konferansier
Hilde Sandvik, konferansier