From waste to value - Nordic opportunities in the circular economy
The Eyde cluster, together with its partners from then Nordic Symbiosis Network invites you to participate in a Nordic workshop.
We are gathering experienced practitioners from the circular economy to discuss existing obstacles against- and identify opportunities for - an international circular approach. Our aim is to identify regulatory and financial barriers that need to be addressed at international, rather than national level. The goal is to provide recommendations to the Nordic states on how the Nordic region can be leading the way.
Furthermore the workshop aims to facilitate more Nordic collaboration amongst the participants directly.
This project is supported by Nordic Innovation and is regarded as a starting point for a long term effort. The leader for the Nordic councils committee for sustainability, Ketil Kjenseth, will open the workshop and is looking for inputs to both national and Nordic strategies.
We hope you will be able to join us that day and are looking forwards to your participation.
We will ask some of the participants to prepare inputs in advance.
Please let us know (to if you can participate by TUESDAY 15TH of January.
Fill out the form below: