Arendals week: Battery on everyone`s lips. What is happening?

Time: Tuesday, 17 August 2021 - 18:30 - 20:00 |
Open for all
Location: Pusnes, Arendal (ferry by Tyholmen hotel every 30 minutes)

Big investments are planned for the Norwegian battery industry. The industry participants from the whole value chain, will give us the current status in this meeting. The Minister of Trade and Industry , Iselin Nybø, will present the Government`s politics on this area. We will bring the participants together and discuss the future.



The Mayor in Arendal Robert Cornels Nordli is welcoming the battery coast 
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Iselin Nybø, informs about  the Government`s politics 
Three companies in the value chain:
Morrow, Terje Andersen
ABB, Håvard Devold
Cenate, Erik Sauar
The need for competence in the industry – by Stein Lier-Hansen, Norwegian industry
The need for industrial piloting by Hans Erik Vatne, Hydro and Hanne Flåten Andersen, IFE
The role of the policy implementation system for industrialization by
Ingelin Drøpping, Innovation Norway and Andreas Enge, SIVA

How to realize the potential in Norwegian battery industry by Frederic Hauge, Bellona

We serve some food and there will be social mingling after the main programme.  

Arranged by: Norwegian Industry, Bellona, SIVA, Innovation Norway, Eyde Cluster, ABB and Morrow batteries. 

This event is open for all. There will not be possible to reserve seats, so show up early. The ferry (at Tromøy) leaves every 30 minutes (17.15-17.45-18.15  etc) from the dock by Tyholmen hotel. 

Green corona pass
Please note that our events require a green coronapass. About coronapass

The coronapass shows if you are vaccinated, if you are immune after having Covid-19, and the result if you get a negative corona test result.  If you don`t have a green coronapass, Arendals week has made a quick test station by the culture house (Peder Thomassensgate). Negative test will give you a green coronapass in the app after approximately 1 hour, and will last for 24 hours.  



