Process21 invites to a breakfast meeting

Registration closes: Tue 9. Jun 2020 - 00:00
Time: Thursday, 11 June 2020 - 8:30 - 9:30 |
Open for all
Location: digital at Zoom ( signed in will get a link)

Process21 invites again to an open meeting.  

This time, Sintef is invited to present their work on climate risk and staking. Further on, we have invited Norwegian Industry to evaluate the content and effects of the climate deal issued by the Government.. 

Please forward this invitation! 


11th of June (08:30 – 09:30)

Final date for registration: Tuesday 9th of June 


The registered will receive an invitation to a Zoom meeting Wednesday 10th of June. 






08:30- (5 min) 08:35

14.2020:1 welcome to the meeting 

Presentation of Process21

Lars Petter Maltby Håvard Moe


08:35-(25 min) 09:00

14.2020:2 Sintef´s work connected to the green shift and the climate risk 

Eli Aamodt

Presentation and questions 

09:00-(25 min) 09:25

14.2020:3 Norwegian Industry - Climate deal - effects for the process industry 

Knut Sunde

Ole Børge Yttredal

Presentation and questions 

09:25- (5 min) 09:30

14.2020:4 Summary and comments 

Håvard Moe




